<html><head><style>h1 {text-shadow: 1px 1px #111111;}</style></head><body><h1><p style="color:white"><b>Medical Office Building <br>Boiling Springs, South Carolina</b></h1></body></html></p>

Case Study
Case Study
Medical Office Building in Boiling Springs, South Carolina

Medical Office Building in Boiling Springs, South Carolina


Building Type: Healthcare, Office, New Construction

Solution: ArmorWall Vapor Permeable (VP) Structural Insulated Sheathing

Sales Representative: Carolina REP

Installer: Spectrum Interiors


Months of construction delays and challenges solved with ArmorWall Structural Insulated Sheathing 

In Fall of 2018, construction began on the first of two new medical office buildings to support the healthcare needs of the growing local community in Boiling Springs, SC. The first building was constructed using a common wall assembly that included gypsum sheathing, a spray applied air barrier, mineral wool insulation and other systems commonly used in metal stud buildings. Unfortunately, a rainy season led to months of construction delays and challenges installing the building enclosure system.

When construction began in 2019 on a similar building, the project team was ready and willing to try a new building enclosure system. Fortunately, Beau Preston of Carolina Rainscreen and Envelope Professionals, had been in touch with the project team and introduced them to ArmorWall Structural Insulated Sheathing. When they realized the immense time and cost savings available by switching to ArmorWall, they made the change. Only a few weeks later, 15,000 SF of 2” ArmorWall Vapor Permeable (VP) arrived from the manufacturing plant, less than two hours away. Following a short and simple training with the installer, the building enclosure system was installed in just three and a half weeks- an amazing six weeks ahead of schedule! Installation of ArmorWall is faster than other materials and can be performed in all weather conditions. Specifying ArmorWall allowed the project team to reduce the negative impacts of poor weather and save both time and money due to less labor, equipment, and inspections on the job.

