Welcome to Kalrez® and Vespel® Centers of Excellence for Application Testing


What is a Center of Excellence?

A collaboratory is a “center without walls, in which…researchers can perform their research without regard to physical location, interacting with colleagues, accessing instrumentation, sharing data and computational resources, and accessing information in digital libraries” William Wulf, 1989, Wikipedia

Science and inclusive innovation are at the heart of the DuPont Global Collaboratory. DuPont™ Kalrez® and Vespel® work with customers to bring state of the art technology to solve customers’ toughest application challenges. DuPont provides unique, application-focused testing capabilities including evaluation, screening and comparison of new materials and designs. This helps reduce cost and risk of implementing new solutions. Our goal is to:

  • Match customer requirements with the most sustainable, cost-effective product/application solutions.
  • Simulate part performance in customer application conditions,
  • Foster innovation and knowledge development, and
  • Showcase DuPont science and our brand promise to the marketplace.

DuPont™ Kalrez® and Vespel® have created a network of global Centers of Excellence (COE) for application testing to support the current and emerging needs in the following areas:

  • Improving fuel efficiency, part performance and lower operating cost  in Aircraft Engines
  • Improving  sealing materials to reduce vacuum loss in electronics and semiconductor integrated circuit manufacturing for lower operating cost
  • Increasing safety and reliability with high performance materials in Fluid and Materials Handling, and
  • Increasing component  life by reducing wear and friction in Transportation for better performance and fuel economy

See more about of our Centers of Excellence.


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