Energy efficiency project pays off, receives recognition
New oven reduces CO2 and saves money in Wiesbaden, recognized as a top ÖKOPROFIT project
With a continuing focus on sustainability, energy efficiency and environmental impact, MOLYKOTE® Specialty Lubricants recently undertook a project to replace outdated equipment in Wiesbaden, Germany, and reduce the brand’s carbon footprint.
As a member of the Wiesbaden ÖKOPROFIT group – a partnership model group for companies and communities that seeks to improve the local environment, strengthen companies and build public-private partnerships through the use of integrated environmental technologies – MOLYKOTE® submitted details on an oven replacement that would reduce its Wiesbaden plant’s environmental footprint.
The project involved retiring an oven that was built in 1981 to heat raw materials and replacing it with a newer, more energy-efficient model. The new oven is expected to save approximately 37,000 kilowatt hours of energy per year.
“We’ve made a start, and you can see and measure our progress,” said City of Wiesbaden Head of Environment and Economic Affairs Christiane Henninger regarding the ÖKOPROFIT project submissions during a presentation on the Environmental and Climate Protection Program’s best projects. “Whether large or small and whether single acts or several measures, all contributions made by companies and operational facilities towards Wiesbaden’s climate goals are valuable.”
The MOLYKOTE® oven replacement project came in third place among the submitted ÖKOPROFIT proposals. The reduction in energy use enabled by the new oven translates into a savings of approximately 10,000 euros per year.
Collectively, the projects from ÖKOPROFIT member companies are expected save nearly 90,000 kilograms of carbon dioxide and 210,000 kilowatt hours of energy annually..
Global Communications, DuPont™ MOLYKOTE® Specialty Lubricants