Controlling Air Leakage

Air Leakage Control | DuPont™ Tyvek®

Control air leakage for energy efficiency and structural integrity

Building and energy codes and standards are becoming increasingly focused on reducing energy consumption and environmental impact. This makes controlling air leakage in buildings essential. It also creates new challenges – and opportunities – for construction professionals.

New code requirements, new questions

The rules are changing fast. Evolving U.S. energy and building codes can be a challenge to understand and interpret. A key component in managing air leakage is a tight building envelope, which raises questions, such as:

  • “Who pays if a specified air leakage control system drives up building costs?”

  • “How will national standards impact local and regional payback analyses?”

  • “Can’t a building be so tight that it actually prevents fresh air ventilation?”

New answers, new solutions

DuPont building scientists and Tyvek® Specialists have valuable information about controlling air leakage that can benefit builders, architects, general contractors and building owners.

As building and energy codes have become more stringent, the requirements for the building envelope have changed. The building envelope must help improve energy efficiency to help mitigate environmental impact, help improve building durability, protect against mold and its long-term liability issues, and ultimately help increase the comfort for a building’s occupants.

Learn more about the impact of air leakage, and myths and facts about airtightness.