DuPont Building Envelope Specialist Network

Tyvek ® Specialist Network | Tyvek ®

A network of support when and where you need it

The DuPont Building Envelope Network is a team of more than 165 field representatives dedicated to supporting you throughout the construction process to help ensure the proper installation of DuPont Building Envelope products.


The members of the DuPont Building Envelope Specialist Network share one thing in common: a passion for building science. Each Specialist is highly trained with an in-depth knowledge of building envelope performance and best practices. Whether you’re an architect, specifier, builder, general contractor or installer, your Building Envelope Specialist offers on-site guidance and training and expertise it takes to help you get your job done right.

Look to your Building Envelope Specialist for:

  • On-site technical support
  • Installation training
  • Design guidance
  • Product specification
  • Building code updates
  • Project observations
  • Warranty counsel and observation
  • AIA CEU building envelope education
  • Contacts to independent (third-party) Building Science experts

When you choose DuPont Building Envelope products, you get products that meet the highest performance standards and are backed by industry-leading building science. The unrivaled support from your Building Envelope Specialist is backed by the DuPont Building Knowledge Center, helping provide the DuPont product and technical information needed to build quality, durable and energy-efficient structures.

Find a DuPont Building Envelope Specialist near you.