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China 4006612629 (Toll Free) +86 21 3862 2888 (Option 1) Singapore 18004074929 (Toll Free) +65 65863688 (Option 1)
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Languages Supported: Dutch, French, German, Italian, Spanish, English |
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom +800 3876 6838 (Toll Free) All EMEA countries +1 571 209 2351 (Toll Number) |
Languages Supported: Portuguese, Spanish, and English
Brazil 0800 047 5006 (Toll Free) +55 11 47069109 (Option 2) Argentina +0800 266 7467 (Toll Free) Chile +800 394 504 (Toll Free) +56 2 362 2200 (Toll Number) Columbia 18000110872 (Toll Free) +57 1 653 7504 (Toll Number) |
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Languages supported: English, French, and Spanish. |
USA Product Information +1 833 3 DUPONT (833-338-7668) (Toll Free) +1 866 583 2583 (Toll Free) +1 302 996 8439 (Toll Number) Canada +1 800 387 2122 (Toll Free) |
Medical emergencies +1 800 441 3637 +1 302 774 1139 |