When you need a single-use biopharma processing solution, use sterilizable, weldable Liveo™ Pharma TPE Tubing

Liveo™ Pharma TPE Tubing offers an alternative for many biopharma applications, including fluid, media and solvent transport; single-use assemblies; peristaltic pump applications; aseptic connection and disconnection without connectors (e.g., sampling); and applications where compatibility with industry benchmark TPE tubing is needed. 

This TPE tubing from DuPont offers improved heat-welding and high tensile strength and burst resistance before and after welding, as well as:

  • Low extractables
  • Good chemical resistance
  • Minimal spallation after 24 hours of pumping
  • Good clarity; stable clarity after sterilization
  • A comprehensive data package to accelerate qualification and validation under the form of a qualification guide

Plus, Liveo™ Pharma TPE Tubing is manufactured in an ISO Class 7 cleanroom and is produced under the same high-quality principles as the products our customers know and trust.


DuPont™ Liveo™ Pharma TPE Tubing for the biopharmaceutical processing industry

A complete benchmark analysis was carried out to highlight the improvement of the most stringent technical requirements enabled by this new TPE tubing. A brief overview of performance will be covered through review of Liveo™ Pharma TPE Tubing performance.

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