Supplier Code of Conduct
At DuPont, we view our suppliers as partners in our success as a company. A successful approach to sustainability requires us to also embed our commitment to sustainability into our supply chain. An important tool to help us do that is the Supplier Code of Conduct, which applies to our suppliers all around the globe. Like the DuPont Code of Conduct for employees, it’s built around our Core Values, which address all facets of sustainability.
DuPont is built on our Core Values of Safety and Health, Respect for People, Highest Ethical Behavior, and Protect the Planet. Together, these serve as the backbone of our company, and lay the foundation on which our sustainability efforts are based.
The Supplier Code of Conduct sets out our expectations for suppliers around our core values. Our goal is that our suppliers, who are integral to DuPont, will embrace these values and share our commitment to sustainability.
Translated versions coming soon:
Chinese Simplified - 简体中文 ; Chinese Traditional - 中國傳統的 ;
Japanese - 日本語 ; Korean - 한국인;
Portugues - Português ; and Spanish - Español
We have strict gift policy for the global procurement function at DuPont
Within our organization, employees may not accept any gifts. We ask our suppliers to help us meet our commitment to the highest ethical behavior, one of our core values, by not sending any gifts, even during traditional "gift giving times" such as the holidays at the end of the year.
Review DuPont’s Position Statements on Anti-Bribery/Anti-Corruption, Child and Forced Labor, Human Rights, Trade Compliance, Transparency in Supply Chains and more.
We expect Suppliers to report concerns and violations directly to the DuPont Ethics and Compliance Hotline. The multi-lingual, free phone number is monitored by a third-party and is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. To access the hotline please refer to DuPont's Policy.