Project Profile: Tyvek® Fluid Applied Setting the Standard for Enduring, Sustainable Construction

Case Study |

Setting the standard for enduring, sustainable construction 



The Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s Brock Environmental Center is targeting LEED® Platinum and Living Building Challenge certification to become the most environmentally sustainable building in Virginia. It will also be the first building in the state to embrace a net-zero energy and net-zero water approach.


To build a durable, energy-efficient, environmentally sustainable educational facility on a site that is in a coastal flood plain located in an area that is prone to intense storms, hurricanes and high humidity. What’s more, the building’s design features complicated geometries curves intended to take advantage of seasonal breezes and to limit sunlight penetration in summer, while maximizing it in winter.


Protect the new wall assembly with the DuPont Tyvek® Fluid Applied System which delivers industry-leading performance with the added convenience of fast, pressure-rolled or sprayed application. This complete, integrated weather barrier system is designed to perform in any climate and under a wide variety of commercial facades. It’s an ideal solution for a structure with such complex curves and angles.

“The test was performed with amazingly high levels of success,” “Tyvek® Fluid Applied has performed higher than any system we have tested.” 

Vincent Lopez, Commissioning Agent

Project credits

Project: Chesapeake Bay Foundation Brock Environmental Center
Project Size: 10,000 ft2
Project Type: Education, New Construction
Location: Virginia Beach, Virginia
Architect: SmithGroupJJR
General Contractor: Hourigan Construction
DuPont Tyvek® Certified Installer: Bay Caulking


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