FilmTec™ Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis 8" Elements


FilmTec™ BW30XFRLE-400/34i


FilmTec™ BW30XFRLE-400/34i Elements are ideal for reverse osmosis plant managers and operators dealing with challenging waters and wastewaters who are seeking an advanced membrane treatment with good water purity, improved fouling resistance and low energy consumption.






Product Category


FilmTec™ Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis 8" Elements


FilmTec™ Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis 8" Elements can separate salts from water and are produced with an automated fabrication process that ensures precision, consistency, and reliability. They are ideal for use in large-scale industrial and municipal water treatment systems that produce greater than approximately 10 gpm (2300 L/h) of permeate. Our RO membranes build on a tradition of leadership in the thin-film composite membrane industry and meet today's challenges for higher rejection using less energy and resisting foulants in challenging waters.