TapTec™ Reverse Osmosis Elements


DuPont™ TapTec™ LC HF-4040


DuPont™ TapTec™ Large Commercial HF-4040 is a product that is specially developed for commercial segments, such as drinking water applications that require high flow rate. DuPont’s quality process enables the most consistent products in the industry that minimize the total cost of ownership of water treatment systems.






Product Category


TapTec™ Reverse Osmosis Elements


TapTec™ Reverse Osmosis Elements provide a unique balance of reliability and value for performance by leveraging the proven technologies from DuPont - one of the most trusted brands in water treatment and the inventor of thin-film composite RO membrane, the core of modern RO technology. Focused on the local water conditions and water purifier operations, TapTec™ RO Elements are committed to be the choice for normal households.