FilmTec™ Wet Seawater Reverse Osmosis 8" Elements


Wet FilmTec™ SW30HR-380 Element


FilmTec™ SW30HR-380 elements are premium-grade reverse osmosis-grade seawater elements featuring high active area and salt rejection, offering the best long-term economics for seawater desalination systems.

  • FilmTec™ SW30HR-380 element delivers high boron rejection, helping customers meet World Health Organization (WHO) and other drinking water standards.
  • FilmTec™ SW30HR-380 elements deliver high performance over their operating lifetime without using oxidative post-treatments like many competitive products. This is one reason why FilmTec™ elements are more durable and may be cleaned more effectively over a wider pH range than other RO elements.
  • Automated, precision fabrication with a greater number of shorter membrane leaves reduces the overall effect of fouling and maximizes membrane efficiency.







Product Category


Wet Seawater Reverse Osmosis 8" FilmTec™ Elements


Wet Seawater Reverse Osmosis 8" FilmTec™  elements can separate salts from water and are designed to reduce capital and operational costs of large desalination systems that produce greater than approximately 10 gpm (2300 L/h) of permeate. With a wide range of membranes available to meet various system design requirements, our RO products combine excellent membrane quality with automated precision fabrication, taking system performance to unprecedented levels.