FilmTec™ Wet Seawater Reverse Osmosis 8" Elements
DuPont Water Solutions offers various premium Seawater Reverse Osmosis (RO) Elements designed to improve system uptime and plant reliability which ultimately translate to lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). FilmTec™ elements combine premium membrane performance with automated precision fabrication, which takes system performance to exceptional levels.
FilmTec™ SW30XFR-400/34 elements are designed specifically to handle biofouling in seawater desalination plants. Elements are equipped with advanced fouling-resistant and cleanability features, helping plants reduce the number of chemical cleanings, while maintaining high rejection and low energy. Benefits of the FilmTec™ SW30XFR-400/34 Elements include:
Product Category
FilmTec™ Wet Seawater Reverse Osmosis 8" Elements can separate salts from water and are designed to reduce capital and operational costs of large desalination systems that produce greater than approximately 10 gpm (2300 L/h) of permeate. With a wide range of membranes available to meet various system design requirements, our RO products combine excellent membrane quality with automated precision fabrication, taking system performance to unprecedented levels.